Does CBD help with nicotine addiction? (Case study)

Most relapses happen within the first two weeks of quitting cigarettes. An everyday stressful event can trigger a relapse.

Quitting Tabacco is incredibly challenging. The worst part of the withdrawal process is the cravings.

A 2013 study found that cigarette-addicted people smoked 40 percent less while taking CBD.

Table of Content

  1. My relationship with tobacco addiction
  2. How addictive is nicotine?
  3. how CBD oil helps people quit smoking?


My relationship with tobacco addiction

I was a compulsive cigarette smoker for more than 12 years. Over the period I tried quitting many times using nicotine patches, gum, and maximum effort.

Every time I failed I felt more and more dependent on nicotine.

Finally, on my 30th birthday, I decided to stop smoking and get buff. LOL

I was so motivated, the only help I needed was for someone to hold my beer while I get it done.

In all seriousness, I was pretty much in the corner and could not even picture my life without tobacco.

Tobacco was ingrained in everything I did and the decisions I make.

However, for this attempt to quit tobacco. I prepared myself with knowledge, exercises, and CDB.

In this article, I share the knowledge I gained from quitting tobacco.

How addictive is nicotine?

Over 50 million Americans are addicted to tobacco products like cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, and snuff.

A study showed that nicotine addiction symptoms were present in 30 percent of people that smoked only one day a month.

Nicotine is the most addictive chemical in tobacco. It causes a spike of adrenaline and dopamine when absorbed in the bloodstream.

Studies have shown that nicotine is addictive as cocaine and heroin.

Nicotine addiction is especially addictive because of the added layer due to the repetitive activity of smoking behavior.

The act of smoking becomes ingrained within our everyday lives like social encounters. The brain forms a correlation between offloading stress and smoking cigarettes.

In simple terms. Cigarette addiction taps into our natural human behavior to socialize.

Furthermore, cigarette smoking is like being attached to a permanent IV drip with pain medication. Because of the consistent need to refill nicotine levels.

How does CBD help with quitting tobacco?

CBD has sparked interest within the drug addiction medical community because it is non-intoxicating. A remedy that is NON-psycho active has no potential for abuse.

Studies show that CBD can be effective in reducing the number of cigarettes smoked per day. And can eventually lead to entirely stop smoking.

The endocannabinoid system in the human body is involved with pleasure receptors in the brain.

It is the same pleasure receptors that get activated when using drugs like heroin and cocaine.

Cannabinoids (CBD) in medical cannabis interact with the endocannabinoid system and reduce the need for pleasure-seeking behavior like smoking Tabacco.

Is there any proof that CBD helps reduce the urge for smoking?

A controlled study with 24 smokers shows that CBD reduces the number of cigarettes smoked.

Half the group got a CBD inhaler, and the other half got a placebo inhaler.

Both groups were instructed to use the inhaler whenever they felt the urge to smoke.

Allowing researchers to measure the daily amount of cigarettes smoked compared to CBD inhaler use.

The study found a 40% reduction of cigarettes smoked per day in the CBD group.

However, cravings for tobacco smoking remained the same in both the CBD and placebo groups.

Another study from the United Kingdom showed. An 800-milligram CBD dose reduces the pleasantness cues of cigarettes. Compared to a placebo group.

Simple terms. The CBD users found smoking cigarettes less appealing.

Even more remarkable. The CBD group had a lower systolic blood pressure than the placebo group during the study.

According to these studies, CBD reduces the urge to smoke tobacco. Regardless of the delivery method (oral or inhale).

Does THC help with nicotine addiction?

THC (the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana ) is not effective against cigarette usage.

Furthermore, THC might increase anxiety in larger doses in certain groups of people.

However, from my personal experience, THC does help.

During the peak of the withdrawal, the mind is weak and only focuses on reducing suffering (tobacco cravings).

THC help by distracting the mind from the withdrawal battle. Essentially, calming the nerves by distracting your mind.

Furthermore, THC in small doses can reduce nausea and headaches caused by withdrawal symptoms.

The takeaway. THC does not directly help with quitting tobacco. However, it might help some individuals with phycological support.

THC (medical marijuana) is harmless in responsible doses, but not everyone will experience THC as a joy.

It greatly depends on the individual’s genetics. Factors like the underline phycological issue need consideration before self-medicating with medical marijuana.

Always consult a licensed doctor before using prescribed medication.

Can smoking CBD hemp cigarettes help to quit tobacco?

Yes. Hemp cigarettes can help the wean of tobacco by acting as a smoking behavior substitute (placebo).

Aside from the placebo phycological effect, hemp cigarettes do not have an increased benefit over oral CBD.

Subconsciously smokers connect the act of lighting a cigarette with a pleasurable event (socializing and nicotine reward).

A census in 2016 found that the average tobacco user smokes 14 cigarettes a day.

The repeated action of lighting a cigarette creates a subconscious behavior pattern.

We can break tobacco addiction down into two parts.

One part is nicotine dependence. Nicotine craving is essentially the beginning stage of nicotine withdrawal.

The other is physiological dependence. Mine was the first tobacco cigarette and coffee in the morning.

Smoking hemp cigarettes might help some individuals satisfy their smoking behavior dependence (physiological).

Hemp cigarettes allow addicts to isolate and focus only on nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Which reduces the overall stress on the body’s central nervous system

Furthermore, lowering perceived stress might have a substantial impact on the success when quitting cigarettes.

The most common causes of nicotine relapse are stress and withdrawal symptoms.

Common withdrawal symptoms after quitting tobacco

Cigarette withdrawal symptoms may vary on the body’s nicotine dependence.

The length and frequency of nicotine use will determine the dependence level.

Here is a list of common side effects when quitting tobacco.

Physical symptoms

  • Irritation
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea and abdominal cramping
  • Headaches
  • Constipation
  • Restlessness (THC might help)
  • Slowed heart rate

Psychological symptoms

  • An overwhelming urge to smoke
  • Frustration
  • Cognitive processing problems
  • Depression (unstable mood)
  • Anxiety
  • Low tolerance to stress

Managing withdrawal symptoms is critical when quitting tobacco. Your best chance of success is to have withdrawal symptoms awareness.

Awareness allows you to identify and manage each symptom accordingly.

Essentially, a targeted approach will yield better results!

Things to look out for when purchasing CBD?

The biggest concern when purchasing CBD over the counter is purity.

A 2019 study lab-tested 90+ random CBD products sold over the counter in the USA.

The study found that 70 percent of CBD sold over the counter had inaccurate ingredient labeling.

False product labeling is a sign of snake oil salesmen and should not be trusted.

If a vendor is cloaking critical product information, you have to ask yourself the following questions.

What else is the vendor trying to sneak past me?

The same study found that 10% of the tested products had heavy metal toxicity.

Heavy metal toxicity in cannabis is a result of growing plants using polluted water or harmful pesticides.

Any responsible CBD vendor will have a COA (Certificate Of Authenticity).

COA is a third-party lab test that verifies the purity of all the ingredients. Quality CBD products have a QR scanning code on the packaging to verify its purity.

If the vendor can supply such documents. The product is most likely not worth buying.

Why choose full-spectrum CBD profile?

CDB products are categorized into three profiles.

Full spectrum CBD profile is the most popular because it stimulates the full entourage effects.

Entourage effects simply mean that CBD works better in combination with other cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Including trace amounts of THC of 0.3 percent.

However, if you are concerned about using THC you might read the following article.

What is the difference between CBD profiles?

Take Away

CBD is a great tool to help quit cigarette smoking. Clear scientific evidence supports CBD claims to curb nicotine addiction.

From my personal experience, I recommend CBD. However, it is not a magical wand. Without willpower and commitment, no ointment or remedy will make you quit tobacco.

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